Why is it that we live in a world where seeing is believing? We believe in wind even tho we don't see it. We believe in happiness, sorrow, excitement, etc even tho you can't physically see it or touch it. Because you can feel it inside you? You just know it is there?
I feel Jesus all around me-every day. I know He is there.
I felt my babies. I knew they were there,
Maybe I didn't physically feel their kicks or physically have them in my arms, but I felt them. In my heart, in every moment I thought I was going to lose my stomach in the trash can. With every inch of my body I felt them.
For the most part, people speak of miscarriages like they would if you had an illness. At best, a dream you didn't achieve. I totally get it, guys, so please spare me the speech. People don't understand unless they themselves have been thru it. But what I wish people really got, is that an early pregnancy loss is just the same as any other loss.
No, there is no physical body to bury. But could you not see that in a way, that could be worse?
My love for my babies began growing long before my positive pregnancy tests. If you had asked 10 year old Katie or 16 year old Katie what she wanted to be when she grew up, the answer would have been the same. A mom. My heart aches for all the other women out there with the same stories. A mother's heart begins before you know there is a baby there.
And then it is there. And then...it's not. Your dream is, quite literally, flushed down the toilet. You feel like a huge chunk of your heart goes with it. Before my little angels, I didn't know that type of love existed. I could feel it from the top of my head all the way down to my toes. It was overwhelming but I embraced every second of it. This was what I was made for. I was made to be a mommy to these babies.
The pain of knowing I will never be able to hold my baby here on this earth is by far the worst pain I have ever felt. The physical pain of my babies literally being ripped from me made it even worse. And having to say goodbye before you really get to say hello is heart wrenching.
Sometimes I wish there was a body to bury because my babies deserved a better burial than being flushed down a toilet. These precious, precious little lives deserved more than to be washed away with the rest of every day waste.
My first miscarriage, I received one sweet card from people I didn't even know that well. There are simply no words to describe how much that meant to me. Even tho dozens of people texted or messaged me to tell me they were sorry, this simple act of kindness meant more to me than I can explain. It takes 1 minute to type up a quick "sorry" message, but the fact that these people took time out of their day to hand write a card and with notes of encouragement and send it to me was different. Please know, I am in no way trying to get sympathy or pitty and I'm incredibly thankful for all the support I have gotten. I just want people to get it.
Why is it that we jump on the meal trains or send cards or flowers for people who have surgeries or other more "real" losses but not for women who's babies were born into heaven?
Are our babies not real losses? What constitutes a real loss? What constitutes a real life lost?
When I found out about our second pregnancy, one person I excitedly told responded with "Well, I hope you learned your lesson the first time and that you keep your big mouth shut this time and don't tell so many people just in case."
Well let me tell you, ma'am. These babies' lives-no matter how long or short-are worth celebrating and being excited about.
And they are also worth more than the "hush hush" awkward responses when their lives end.
I was really touched by the new OB I made an appointment with only hours before I started miscarrying our second baby. He hugged me and said "I am so, so sorry for your loss" to which I responded with "It is what it is...". He shook his head and said "No. No. This sucks. You don't have to be tough. This is a real loss and people don't get it but they should."
So many people mean well and I know that. But is "Oh no, I'm so sorry. My friend had a miscarriage but she was 16 weeks" supposed to make us moms of early pregnancy loss feel better because thank goodness we aren't THAT far along? Is our loss any less?
Why is it that people who have experienced HUGE losses in their lives have been some of the people who have validated and encouraged me the most? I have a couple dear friends who have lost HUSBANDS that have given me the most support. I start to feel like a fool for being so heartbroken and for hurting so bad when there are people out there who have had REAL losses. I start to fall into the world's view of early pregnancy loss. But these women have been the first to tell me that my losses are real and big.
A thousand times we have imagined what our babies would look like. A thousand times we have thought about our first moments with these babies. A thousand times we have imagined their first steps, their first "I love you, mommy", their smile. A thousand times I have closed my eyes and held my miscarriage teddy-bear close to my heart and imagined that it was our baby.
I may be more vocal about it, but I know it in my heart that other mothers and fathers of angels feel the exact same way.
If nothing else positive comes out of all of this, I am incredibly thankful that I will be able to relate to other women going thru the same thing. I know that their loss is just that-a loss and a HUGE one at that.
I will end with this: You may not get it-and that's okay. You don't have to. Be glad that you do not know the pain of losing a child in the womb. But you don't have to get it to treat this loss as a REAL, TRUE, PAINFUL loss.
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
To My Sweet Angel Babies
Dear Pia and Spud,
There are simply no words to describe the pain that is knowing that as long as I am here on this earth, I cannot have you. From the moment your daddy and I knew you both were there, we loved you deeply. The love that I felt for you is a different love than I had ever felt before and one I didn't even know was possible. If I could have given my life in place of yours I would have done so in a heart beat. I ache because I selfishly want you here, with me and your daddy, but I know you are in a place that is SO much better. To think that Jesus will be the one raising you is bittersweet. Again, selfishly, I want you in MY arms but you have the Creator of the universe holding you and that is pretty amazing. He has a love for you that is bigger and better than even the love I have for you! If you cannot be here with us, I find so much peace knowing that at this moment you are in the arms of Jesus and I just cannot wait till the day we will be together again. Because the day will come, sweet babies, that we will be together and I promise you I will hold you so close to make up for the time we have to be apart. I cannot wait to see your faces. I cannot wait to run my fingers thru your hair as I stare into your eyes and kiss your cheeks. My heart is so heavy because it seems like it will be forever until that day comes. I wanted so badly to have you with us now. Jesus has a plan though, my sweet babies, and He has proven time and time again that He wants the best for all of us, so I will trust him.
I just love you so much. So much that my heart can hardly stand it. Please, please know that.
Love Forever and Ever,
Your Mommy
There are simply no words to describe the pain that is knowing that as long as I am here on this earth, I cannot have you. From the moment your daddy and I knew you both were there, we loved you deeply. The love that I felt for you is a different love than I had ever felt before and one I didn't even know was possible. If I could have given my life in place of yours I would have done so in a heart beat. I ache because I selfishly want you here, with me and your daddy, but I know you are in a place that is SO much better. To think that Jesus will be the one raising you is bittersweet. Again, selfishly, I want you in MY arms but you have the Creator of the universe holding you and that is pretty amazing. He has a love for you that is bigger and better than even the love I have for you! If you cannot be here with us, I find so much peace knowing that at this moment you are in the arms of Jesus and I just cannot wait till the day we will be together again. Because the day will come, sweet babies, that we will be together and I promise you I will hold you so close to make up for the time we have to be apart. I cannot wait to see your faces. I cannot wait to run my fingers thru your hair as I stare into your eyes and kiss your cheeks. My heart is so heavy because it seems like it will be forever until that day comes. I wanted so badly to have you with us now. Jesus has a plan though, my sweet babies, and He has proven time and time again that He wants the best for all of us, so I will trust him.
I just love you so much. So much that my heart can hardly stand it. Please, please know that.
Love Forever and Ever,
Your Mommy
Monday, September 29, 2014
Knocked Up Take 2!
These last several days have seriously been incredible. We CONFIRMED on Thursday that we were pregnant and nausea has been in full swing pretty much since that day. I'm embracing it instead of complaining because it is a constant reminder that baby is growing. Leslie Jordan took some amazing pregnancy reveal picture for us and we have had a BLAST telling our loved ones about our big news! We are ecstatic to say the least. We have been stocking up on baby stuff for a little while but now Joe is having to rein me in on the big spending because seriously, I could have had shopping for this sweet baby DONE by now :P
As you can imagine, along with the excitement has come some nervousness. We are definitely not focusing on it, but after the miscarriage in May, I think it is to be expected that we would be a little nervous. I know that there are risks thru all of pregnancy, but I think that after our 6 week mark when it happened last time, we will feel much better. Still, though, prayers would be greatly appreciated for the growth and development of our baby and also with mommy and daddy as we trust God to take care of everything. We love this baby so, so much already. We would be incredibly blessed to be able to hold him/her in 8 months but no matter what, we know Jesus has this taken care of.
So here we go with this question thing again :) I warn you now...the next 35 weeks are going to be LONG ones if you don't like reading about pregnancy shtuff because I'm going to be posting about it a lot :)
How far along: 4 weeks 4 days
Total weight gain: No weight gain yet. I'm about 8 pounds heavier than I was when I got pregnant in April which kinda stinks but my number one priority is being healthy for baby :)
Maternity clothes: None yet. I probably wont need them for a while.
Stretch Marks: Nothing new :P Using shea butter to hopefully keep it from getting TOO out of control but I welcome any and every mark on my body creating a life brings.
Symptoms: Boobs hurt. Bad. And some food aversion.
Food Cravings: None yet! Trying to eat as healthy as possible
Anything making you queasy or sick? A teeny bit queasy but nothing crazy
Sleep: Sleep is okay.
Best moment this week: Obviously, finding out I'm pregnant and telling our friends and family.
Miss anything? Really not doing anything differently. I have to say I will actually really miss cleaning the litter box!
Movement: We have QUITE some time before that comes around
Wedding Rings on or off? On. Actually, I can fit it on all my fingers...including my thumb :P
Mood: I started this post last night and my response to the "Mood" question would have been GREAT. Today? Today I'm feeling quite crabby because of the nausea and withdrawal from my meds.
Looking forward to most: I am definitely most looking forward to my doctor's appointment in a couple weeks.
Thursday, July 3, 2014
My God, My Faith, My Posts, and My Priorities
If you are reading this, either I have really ticked you off or you enjoy what I have to say about things. I've been finding that as of lately, there isn't much in between. Either way, thank you for tuning in to the crazy thoughts of Katie :) As usual, this will probably be all over the place but bear with me.
I've become a new person. They say that after something big happens in your life, there is the "You before that" and the "You after that". I didn't really understand what that meant until recently and since discovering who I am, I have to say that I like who I am.
My big thing that happened in my life was the miscarriage. Life just seemed to shatter at my feet and I didn't know what the right or wrong thing was to do. One thing I knew for sure was that I did NOT want to get stuck in a rut and I desperately searched for a way to NOT get stuck. Being completely transparent, for a split second I thought of ending my life. When I moved past that selfishness, I thought of returning to my old ways of cutting myself in hopes to lessen the emotional pain. When I remembered how silly that was, I thought maybe I could drown myself in a bottle of vodka. Or two. But then I would break our 8 month dry streak and it didn't seem worth it. Burying myself in my couch and shutting the world out seemed like the most reasonable thing to do. Even still, though, I couldn't bring myself to do it.
So what did I do?
Well first of all, I didn't shut down. I was open with my pain, and some would say too open. To you who say I was too open, my heart hurts for you as I imagine the struggle of feeling like you must keep your feelings and emotions to yourself or that there is a right or wrong way to struggle. One of the most beneficial and healing things over my mourning period WAS my transparency and sharing my heart. I do not regret a word of it.
Second, I clung to my husband and he clung to me. We used this loss to strengthen and grow our marriage in such a way that a year ago, I never would have believed that we would be where we are today. As awful as our loss was, I will forever be thankful for the roots that Joe and I have planted over the last few months. Joe is my best friend and apart from Jesus, he is my happiness. God truly gave me him for the ups and downs of life and for when I am feeling like I will never amount to anything. He is my motivation and my encouragement and I am so, so thankful for him.
Third, and the point of this blog post, I renewed my relationship with my Creator.
Have any of you ever experienced the "conference high" as I've heard it called? Ya know, that high feeling you get after a kick-butt youth conference or Winter Jam or something along those lines? The one that makes you feel like all you want to do is memorize the Bible and tell EVERYONE and their cousins about Jesus' love? Yeah. Imagine that but every day for months. Usually those highs end after a couple days or maybe a couple weeks. Nuh uh. Talk about one of my bipolar highs. But I know it is much more than that.
I would say that I have fallen in love with my Creator all over again, but I don't think I have ever felt this strongly about my faith and my God. He has spoken to me in ways I only ever heard other people talk about. I absolutely love it. I literally CRAVE my Bible time and think about it and Him almost constantly. The Bible is SUCH a BIG book and I am dying to know everything He put in there for me!
Right after the miscarriage, I went off on a pro-life tangent. I was angry and bitter. Why did I have to lose my baby but all these women just discard theirs like an unwanted sweater? Too much emotion was put into my early posts and I know that and I acknowledged that. However, God spoke to me through my pain and through my loss. He wants me to be a voice for the unborn. Even more than that, He wants me REALLY be pro-life and not just "pro-birth" like a lot of "pro-lifers" are. I've really been praying about how and where He can best use me, and there are some leads that I am very excited about and will share at a later date.
More than a couple times in the last several weeks, my character and really just who I am as a person has been torn a part, beaten into the ground, and spat upon. I understand, when people post about controversial things, be prepared for some unhappy readers. Every single time, I have been discouraged and really second guessed myself. BUT LET ME TELL YA! God ain't got time for that. Every time that an instance like that has occurred, Jesus has worked through people who I never would have expected, to encourage me and help me back on my feet. Every. Single. Time. Guys, I kid you not. I am amazed at what God has done to encourage His daughter. Plus, I feel encouraged really just at thought that Satan is so threatened by my "new life" that he will do every thing he can to stop me.
With that being said, I will continue to post my pro-life, anti-porn, pro-God posts with a little bit of anti-feminism and pro-gun posts sprinkled in here and there.
With that also being said, I will pray about the way that I portray myself to others. When dealing with those controversial subjects, I will not be able to please everyone. I want to do it in a way that is right by God and I know that that isn't always accepted by human's standards. There are times I wish that God would have put it on my heart to stand for something not so controversial like animal abuse or something. But, alas, He has not and where He points me to, I will go.
Jesus has done a whole lot of putting things on my heart lately. Firstly, I have not been called to sit and do nothing because I am scared of offending people. Secondly, my priorities in my life are God; my husband; and my family. Everything else falls after and if that isn't okay, then, well, to quote my least favorite hashtag...#sorrynotsorry. I am not here to be a people pleaser and I will not compromise my priorities for anyone or anything. Thirdly, the only ones who I need to validate my life and my life choices are my God; my husband; and my family. All else does not matter. Really, even my family kinda lost that technical right when I got married but I really value my parent's opinions so they get to stay in the club ;) If I am living my life in such a way that is glorifying to God, nobody else's opinion of me matters.
Jesus has done a whole lot of putting things on my heart lately. Firstly, I have not been called to sit and do nothing because I am scared of offending people. Secondly, my priorities in my life are God; my husband; and my family. Everything else falls after and if that isn't okay, then, well, to quote my least favorite hashtag...#sorrynotsorry. I am not here to be a people pleaser and I will not compromise my priorities for anyone or anything. Thirdly, the only ones who I need to validate my life and my life choices are my God; my husband; and my family. All else does not matter. Really, even my family kinda lost that technical right when I got married but I really value my parent's opinions so they get to stay in the club ;) If I am living my life in such a way that is glorifying to God, nobody else's opinion of me matters.
My life re-started when we lost our baby. But I have to say that I am in love with this life and the one who gave it to me. I am incredibly thankful for the wake up call I had been praying for for quite some time. Christ is the reason why my unworthy self will inherit His Kingdom, so Christ will be the reason I live.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
It has been a couple weeks since I've posted. I said that I would be open and share, so I guess I will update everyone now :)
It's been a little rough. My depression has kinda sky rocketed so my psychiatrist upped my meds at least for the time being. I'm hoping that helps...because I'm ready to get out of this funk. I'm doing everything in my power to not let myself sink into too deep of a pit-meaning I'm trying to stay busy and make myself be around people. However, sometimes when I'm around people, I'm kinda irritable and don't talk a whole lot. I think it's better to be around people though even if I'm not talking much than letting myself sit at home and sulk on the couch.
Joe has been unbelievable...I seriously don't know what I would do without him. I think he doesn't know what to do all the time when I'm being a hot mess, so he does what he can. I feel bad for him :/ The best thing he does is just hold me when I'm not okay, and that right there is perfect.
I'm on day 4 of no bleeding...so I'm hoping that means it's over. About a week and a half ago it stopped for 3 days and came back and that SUCKED. SO, here's hoping it is gone for good. We are both super ready to try again and start a family. Even as sucky as this has been, it's been so nice to have Joe be so on board with getting pregnant. The first time, he wanted to, but wasn't as enthusiastic (I don't think most men are lol). But he is very ready to try again and I love it.
Really hoping that it happens sooner than later. I need to stop getting on my online miscarriage support boards...as seeing the horror stories of how people can't get pregnant after a miscarriage really freaks me out. Really, though, we are both trying to trust God with this. We know He is going to give us a child in His time.
It's been a little rough. My depression has kinda sky rocketed so my psychiatrist upped my meds at least for the time being. I'm hoping that helps...because I'm ready to get out of this funk. I'm doing everything in my power to not let myself sink into too deep of a pit-meaning I'm trying to stay busy and make myself be around people. However, sometimes when I'm around people, I'm kinda irritable and don't talk a whole lot. I think it's better to be around people though even if I'm not talking much than letting myself sit at home and sulk on the couch.
Joe has been unbelievable...I seriously don't know what I would do without him. I think he doesn't know what to do all the time when I'm being a hot mess, so he does what he can. I feel bad for him :/ The best thing he does is just hold me when I'm not okay, and that right there is perfect.
I'm on day 4 of no bleeding...so I'm hoping that means it's over. About a week and a half ago it stopped for 3 days and came back and that SUCKED. SO, here's hoping it is gone for good. We are both super ready to try again and start a family. Even as sucky as this has been, it's been so nice to have Joe be so on board with getting pregnant. The first time, he wanted to, but wasn't as enthusiastic (I don't think most men are lol). But he is very ready to try again and I love it.
Really hoping that it happens sooner than later. I need to stop getting on my online miscarriage support boards...as seeing the horror stories of how people can't get pregnant after a miscarriage really freaks me out. Really, though, we are both trying to trust God with this. We know He is going to give us a child in His time.
Monday, May 26, 2014
As if EVERYTHING Else Isn't Enough
This post is probably going to have WAY too much information. But I'm pissed. I am pissed that after having to go through this hell of an emotional roller coaster, 2 and a half weeks later I am STILL bleeding. As if losing my baby wasn't enough...As if the nightly dreams of babies and pregnancy and miscarriages aren't enough...As if breaking down in tears every time I see a pregnant lady or a newborn in person or online isn't enough...I STILL DREAD GOING TO THE BATHROOM BECAUSE I KNOW THAT MY BODY IS STILL FREAKING RIDDING ITSELF OF WHATEVER THE HECK IT THINKS IT NEEDS TO RID!!! I thought I was FINALLY done with it. After almost 24 hours of no bleeding, I thought it was over. Being completely honest, more than a few not kind words were shouted at God this last bathroom trip when I discovered the bleeding came back with a vengeance. Urrrgghhh. I'm just ready to start over. Ready to try again. And I can't do that as long as this is happening! I feel like women get the short end of the stick with an awful lot of stuff from periods to labor and all that. Why can't I just have this be over? Why do we have to go thru this? I promise to never complain about a period or aches and pains of future pregnancies...I just want this constant reminder to go away. Oh, and these hormones that make me feel like a psycho could chill out too.
Absolutely nothing insightful or positive in this post. Just venting. I'm feeling very broken and angry today instead of broken and grieving. I feel like people are probably sick of seeing me whine about this....but oh well. I'm sick of going thru this and yet I have to deal with it.
Absolutely nothing insightful or positive in this post. Just venting. I'm feeling very broken and angry today instead of broken and grieving. I feel like people are probably sick of seeing me whine about this....but oh well. I'm sick of going thru this and yet I have to deal with it.
Monday, May 19, 2014
Feeling Like a Mother
I feel like a mom. That sounds so weird. I just do though. I feel like there should be a little baby in my arms or sleeping in the next room. But there isn't. And my heart just feels a little empty. Maybe it's not so much that my heart feels empty as much as my arms do. I think I AM a mother because I DID hold a baby in me and I will ALWAYS hold that baby in my heart.
I am really trying not to be impatient. Really trying to trust God. I have so much faith that He is going to fill my empty arms with a baby...but my impatient self wants that NOW.
All I ever wanted was to be pregnant and have a baby and be a mommy. Now a days, I would like to skip the pregnant part and just have that baby to hold. I'm scared to death of another loss...especially 2 or more losses in a row.
Just being real with you all. Had some dreams last night that I think really upset me (I can't even remember them...I just know they were sad and about babies) so I am sure that is why I'm kind of in a funk today. I know Jesus is faithful and I know He is holding Joe and I close. I think Satan is trying to do everything he can to shake me and make me doubt God.
I feel like the above was a huge cluster...but still, a cluster of my thoughts :)
I am really trying not to be impatient. Really trying to trust God. I have so much faith that He is going to fill my empty arms with a baby...but my impatient self wants that NOW.
All I ever wanted was to be pregnant and have a baby and be a mommy. Now a days, I would like to skip the pregnant part and just have that baby to hold. I'm scared to death of another loss...especially 2 or more losses in a row.
Just being real with you all. Had some dreams last night that I think really upset me (I can't even remember them...I just know they were sad and about babies) so I am sure that is why I'm kind of in a funk today. I know Jesus is faithful and I know He is holding Joe and I close. I think Satan is trying to do everything he can to shake me and make me doubt God.
I feel like the above was a huge cluster...but still, a cluster of my thoughts :)
Friday, May 16, 2014
Moving Forward
Had a follow up ultrasound today. Very, very thankful that my body has taken care of everything on it's own and a D&C will not be necessary. Phew. I was really nervous. Especially after watching an episode of Law and Order: SVU and in it, this girl dies after having a miscarriage and not everything was removed so she got an infection. Apparently, that is super unrealistic, but it still freaked me the heck out.
There were lots of pregnant women at the doctor's office...that made me sad. You could see in my uterus where the sack once was...and that made me sad. Really just being there in general made me sad. I mean, whenever you imagine being in the OB's office and getting the ultrasound done and all that, you don't really think about being there for a BAD reason. It's supposed to be happy, ya know? Everything about pregnancy and babies makes my heart (and I swear, my ovaries too) hurt. If I could just NOT see any baby bumps or children under the age of 5, that would be GREAT. At least for a little while.
This has been the slowest week of my entire life. I have thought that many times before, but I mean it now more than ever. Time has just stood still since last Thursday night. I have been overwhelmed by the support and love we have gotten from our friends and family and even people we don't know. I have been surprised at some rude and inconsiderate comments about miscarriages. I have grown closer to both God and Joe and am so thankful for that. It's just been a long, emotional, crazy, sad, and weird week.
We have received dozens and dozens of texts and messages and calls from our loved ones to show their support. We are so thankful for every single one of you. I'd like to make a shout out to a couple people who have gone above and beyond to show their support to Joe and I. Mom, Dad, Alyssa, Aunt Lisa, Becky, Emily, Chelsea, Rachel, and Jessica. Like I said, we have had SO many people be such a blessing to us with their thoughts and prayers...I just wanted to acknowledge the above people for checking up on us every day or constantly trying to build us up or just be a shoulder to cry on.
As the title of this post says, we are moving forward. We obviously are still quite heartbroken at the loss of our baby, but we are grieving and growing and moving forward in the best way we possibly can. I don't think I have talked to God more or felt closer to my husband than I have in the past week. I've read so many stories about people who have gone thru pregnancy or infant loss and they blamed God or it tore their marriage apart...and I don't judge anyone for anything while going thru this experience...but I'm glad that Joe and I have been able to use it in a way to grow us together and closer to our Heavenly Father. I have actually been surprised that I never blamed God for taking away our baby...in the past I have used Him as quite the punching bag for when things go wrong. But I have found myself thanking God for loving my baby and for giving her a home in Heaven. There was obviously something not right with our little one...and He knew that. He knew that Heaven would be a much more suitable home, and I am thankful for that.
We actually talked a little more today about trying again and made a plan. And a plan B. And a plan C. We know that things don't always go according to plan, so we decided to prepare for any situation...although, God has a way of making a way for plan D and in that case, it will all just be a surprise. One way or the other, we know we are going to have a baby to hold someday, and we couldn't be more excited for that. Nothing will ever change, however, that our little angel baby made us a mommy and a daddy first.
There were lots of pregnant women at the doctor's office...that made me sad. You could see in my uterus where the sack once was...and that made me sad. Really just being there in general made me sad. I mean, whenever you imagine being in the OB's office and getting the ultrasound done and all that, you don't really think about being there for a BAD reason. It's supposed to be happy, ya know? Everything about pregnancy and babies makes my heart (and I swear, my ovaries too) hurt. If I could just NOT see any baby bumps or children under the age of 5, that would be GREAT. At least for a little while.
This has been the slowest week of my entire life. I have thought that many times before, but I mean it now more than ever. Time has just stood still since last Thursday night. I have been overwhelmed by the support and love we have gotten from our friends and family and even people we don't know. I have been surprised at some rude and inconsiderate comments about miscarriages. I have grown closer to both God and Joe and am so thankful for that. It's just been a long, emotional, crazy, sad, and weird week.
We have received dozens and dozens of texts and messages and calls from our loved ones to show their support. We are so thankful for every single one of you. I'd like to make a shout out to a couple people who have gone above and beyond to show their support to Joe and I. Mom, Dad, Alyssa, Aunt Lisa, Becky, Emily, Chelsea, Rachel, and Jessica. Like I said, we have had SO many people be such a blessing to us with their thoughts and prayers...I just wanted to acknowledge the above people for checking up on us every day or constantly trying to build us up or just be a shoulder to cry on.
As the title of this post says, we are moving forward. We obviously are still quite heartbroken at the loss of our baby, but we are grieving and growing and moving forward in the best way we possibly can. I don't think I have talked to God more or felt closer to my husband than I have in the past week. I've read so many stories about people who have gone thru pregnancy or infant loss and they blamed God or it tore their marriage apart...and I don't judge anyone for anything while going thru this experience...but I'm glad that Joe and I have been able to use it in a way to grow us together and closer to our Heavenly Father. I have actually been surprised that I never blamed God for taking away our baby...in the past I have used Him as quite the punching bag for when things go wrong. But I have found myself thanking God for loving my baby and for giving her a home in Heaven. There was obviously something not right with our little one...and He knew that. He knew that Heaven would be a much more suitable home, and I am thankful for that.
We actually talked a little more today about trying again and made a plan. And a plan B. And a plan C. We know that things don't always go according to plan, so we decided to prepare for any situation...although, God has a way of making a way for plan D and in that case, it will all just be a surprise. One way or the other, we know we are going to have a baby to hold someday, and we couldn't be more excited for that. Nothing will ever change, however, that our little angel baby made us a mommy and a daddy first.
Monday, May 12, 2014
A Sudden Turn of Events
This blog was SUPPOSED to be all about my pregnancy. Unfortunately, the evening after my last post, my body began the painful (physically and emotionally) process of miscarrying our baby. I had been cramping a little and scheduled an ultrasound for Friday morning with my aunt just for peace of mind. By late Thursday night, however, I was bleeding pretty heavily. My best friend, Emily, was there with me until Joe could come home from work (after realizing how seriously upset I was and how BAD it was, he was able to come home early). I sobbed uncontrollably on the floor in the living room and he did his best to comfort me. We ended our evening with prayer, Jack in the Box, and a funny movie to try and take our minds off everything.
The next morning we got up early and went to the doctor's office. We both looked like we had been hit by a dump truck...I hadn't even bothered to put makeup on and I NEVER leave the house without makeup. Anyway, this was NOT how we had imagined our first time on the ultrasound table. Since I wasn't that far along, we had to do an internal ultrasound...which wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. We could see the sack. The devastating part was that it was at the opposite end of where it was supposed to be because my body had already started pushing it out.
I think I was in shock because I didn't cry right away. I was able to withhold the tears until we were out of the office but then the tears wouldn't stop, and didn't stop for pretty much the rest of the day. The first thing I did was call my mom. It really sucked that our parents had to find out they were going to be grandparents with a phone call saying we were miscarrying. As previously stated in my other blog posts, we were planning on the big reveal being on Mother's Day. We were so excited.
My family has been unbelievably supportive these last few days, as have his family and many of our other friends and family members. I will never understand why miscarriages have been such a taboo subject. Either way, I am not one to grieve silently and I don't think that is a bad thing. I made a Facebook status asking for prayers, and almost immediately we were flooded with so much love and support. At first I was worried that people would think I was just looking for attention...but then decided I didn't give a crap what people thought. And for the most part, everyone has been awesome and very understanding.
Having Joe with me through all this has made all the difference though. I seriously don't know what I would do without him. One of the things I have always loved so much about him is his sweet and sensitive heart, and have appreciated so much being able to shed tears together. He was SO excited about becoming a daddy. He would always put his hands on my belly and talk to the baby and pray over the baby...it was so sweet. He's going to be an incredible father. Our children are going to grow up with an incredible godly, kind-hearted, and fun spirited dad who loves them unconditionally. I think that is pretty darn awesome.
The pain we have felt over the last few days have been agonizing. Who would have thought that after just a few weeks of existence, this little baby would make such a huge impact on our lives? Those few weeks were some of the happiest and most joyful ever. Even though in our lifetime we will never be able to hold our baby, see their first steps, wipe away their tears or see them on their wedding day; in our hearts and in our dreams, we have seen those things a thousand times. Every time I close my eyes, I try to picture what our little one would look like. Would she have blonde hair like daddy did when he was little? Would she have hazel eyes like mommy? Would she love to play dress-up and barbies or prefer baseball and wrestling? None of those things really matter...we would love her regardless; but, it's bittersweet to think about all of these "what if's". I find so much comfort knowing our sweet angel is in the arms of Jesus right now, even as I type this. She never knew the pain of this world-only His amazing, loving embrace.
I have had a couple people say to me "I'm glad you are doing better". My response is a nod and a smile. Really, inside, I'm still deeply grieving and probably will be for a while. We've decided that sitting and moping is NOT what we should do, nor is that healthy. Jesus has done a real good job at comforting us these last couple days and I know He will continue to do so. He is going to help give us the motivation to get up every day and live our lives. What an amazing God.
I'm unsure as to what the future holds...for both this blog and our lives. We are planning on trying again- sooner rather than later. I still want to keep this blog up and going to document the ups and downs of grieving the loss of our baby, trying to get pregnant again, hopefully going thru pregnancy soon, and finally having a baby in our arms.
If you are still reading this, I think you are a rock star. Thank you for your support and love...you truly do not know how much it means to me.
Much love <3
The next morning we got up early and went to the doctor's office. We both looked like we had been hit by a dump truck...I hadn't even bothered to put makeup on and I NEVER leave the house without makeup. Anyway, this was NOT how we had imagined our first time on the ultrasound table. Since I wasn't that far along, we had to do an internal ultrasound...which wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. We could see the sack. The devastating part was that it was at the opposite end of where it was supposed to be because my body had already started pushing it out.
I think I was in shock because I didn't cry right away. I was able to withhold the tears until we were out of the office but then the tears wouldn't stop, and didn't stop for pretty much the rest of the day. The first thing I did was call my mom. It really sucked that our parents had to find out they were going to be grandparents with a phone call saying we were miscarrying. As previously stated in my other blog posts, we were planning on the big reveal being on Mother's Day. We were so excited.
My family has been unbelievably supportive these last few days, as have his family and many of our other friends and family members. I will never understand why miscarriages have been such a taboo subject. Either way, I am not one to grieve silently and I don't think that is a bad thing. I made a Facebook status asking for prayers, and almost immediately we were flooded with so much love and support. At first I was worried that people would think I was just looking for attention...but then decided I didn't give a crap what people thought. And for the most part, everyone has been awesome and very understanding.
Having Joe with me through all this has made all the difference though. I seriously don't know what I would do without him. One of the things I have always loved so much about him is his sweet and sensitive heart, and have appreciated so much being able to shed tears together. He was SO excited about becoming a daddy. He would always put his hands on my belly and talk to the baby and pray over the baby...it was so sweet. He's going to be an incredible father. Our children are going to grow up with an incredible godly, kind-hearted, and fun spirited dad who loves them unconditionally. I think that is pretty darn awesome.
The pain we have felt over the last few days have been agonizing. Who would have thought that after just a few weeks of existence, this little baby would make such a huge impact on our lives? Those few weeks were some of the happiest and most joyful ever. Even though in our lifetime we will never be able to hold our baby, see their first steps, wipe away their tears or see them on their wedding day; in our hearts and in our dreams, we have seen those things a thousand times. Every time I close my eyes, I try to picture what our little one would look like. Would she have blonde hair like daddy did when he was little? Would she have hazel eyes like mommy? Would she love to play dress-up and barbies or prefer baseball and wrestling? None of those things really matter...we would love her regardless; but, it's bittersweet to think about all of these "what if's". I find so much comfort knowing our sweet angel is in the arms of Jesus right now, even as I type this. She never knew the pain of this world-only His amazing, loving embrace.
I have had a couple people say to me "I'm glad you are doing better". My response is a nod and a smile. Really, inside, I'm still deeply grieving and probably will be for a while. We've decided that sitting and moping is NOT what we should do, nor is that healthy. Jesus has done a real good job at comforting us these last couple days and I know He will continue to do so. He is going to help give us the motivation to get up every day and live our lives. What an amazing God.
I'm unsure as to what the future holds...for both this blog and our lives. We are planning on trying again- sooner rather than later. I still want to keep this blog up and going to document the ups and downs of grieving the loss of our baby, trying to get pregnant again, hopefully going thru pregnancy soon, and finally having a baby in our arms.
If you are still reading this, I think you are a rock star. Thank you for your support and love...you truly do not know how much it means to me.
Much love <3
Monday, April 28, 2014
It's All in God's Hands
SO true. I have literally driven myself CRAZY the last few days with worry. It needs to stop though. I won't even say it's stressing me out...because I don't think it is. That probably doesn't make sense. I just think all the time about what if something goes wrong? What if we have a miscarriage? Again, not stressed. I just think about this too much and spend too much time worrying.
Joe and I went and saw Heaven is for Real on Saturday. It was amaaazing (take Kleenex tho...I cried thru the WHOLE thing and I'm not even a big crier). It kind of made me feel better about all of this (spoiler alert) because in it, this little boy sees his sister who died in the womb in Heaven. I've always believed that babies who die go to Heaven, but seeing it like that and in that moment, it made me feel really at peace.
I woke up in the middle of the night last night and prayed for what felt like a long time. I put my hand on my belly and just prayed for the safety and development of our little baby. Joe doesn't seem to be too worried so I'm hoping some of his calmness rubs off on me :P
My aunt (who is the ultrasound tech at the OB/Gyn I go to) said I need to quit doing so much research on what could go wrong and enjoy this time. She said some things are out of our hands and this is one of those.
Anyway. Still very few people know. I told my brother and my sister (hopefully she can keep it quiet until Mothers day when we tell the rest of our families) and a couple of our friends.
Tomorrow I fly to Vegas for work. This is going to be a VERY uneventful Vegas trip...which is a GOOD thing :P
Friday, April 25, 2014
We're Knocked Up!
Yeah so that ^^^ happened over the last couple days. Actually, those are just the ones I took this morning. I've taken more. I just wanted to be sure, ya know?! I figure, one test may be wrong, but like 4 or so? No way. Last night I tossed and turned until 6am rolled around and I could hardly stand waiting any longer! I jumped outa bed and took the prego tests. If I was a more patient person, I would have waited a few more days to test...but alas, I am not. Again tho, 4 tests aren't going to be wrong, right?
I told the hubby yesterday after taking one positive test. I got him a shirt that says "Man Behind the Bump" (actually, I got the shirt a couple weeks ago just in case hehe) so I handed him that and the positive test and we both cried and we hugged and we started dreaming about our little one. My husband, I'm pretty sure, is going to call him/her "JK" until we find out if we are having a boy or a girl. You get it? Joe...and Katie....JK?
Anyway, I've told a couple people. Our best friends in Chicago, Kyle and Elyse, were the first to know. They are about 10 weeks pregnant. How flippin' awesome is it that we can be prego buddies together? We are waiting until Mother's Day to do the big reveal to our parents :) I'm leaving for Vegas for work in a couple days...and that's the soonest we can get everyone together. When I say I'm excited, I just say "excited" because there is really no word that can truly decide how I feel about the big reveal! They are going to be ECSTATIC! :D
I am bound and determined to be as healthy and stay as fit as I possibly can throughout my pregnancy. It's totally possible. I look at all the work I've done to LOSE weight (over 55 pounds!) and I'm not going to let the "well, I'm pregnant" excuse become an issue. The plan is to stick with my paleo diet and add in some dairy. We shall see how it goes!
I'm going to do this question thing I found on another blog. It's probably going to be pretty boring and uneventful for a while...but still...I'm so excited!!! Seriously, this is all such a dream come true. I love this baby so much and I just found out about her/him! This child is going to be so loved. We are so, so ready for this chapter in our lives and are just so happy and...EXCITED!!! :D
How far along: Just over 4 weeks
Total weight gain: I'm at my lowest weight I've been at since I was 17. Guess that has to start changing. Going to be weird to switch from my "lose weight" mindset to a healthy "gain weight" mindset. It will be SO worth it tho.
Maternity clothes: None yet. I probably wont need them for a while.
Stretch Marks: I mean, I already had them on my stomach and thighs from all the weight I've lost. So nothing new. Yet.
Symptoms: I started getting cramps and lower back aches over the last few days. I kinda chalked it up to PMS. Did some research tho and a LOT of women experience cramping early in pregnancy due to implantation. Also got some NASTY cold sores in my mouth...I've never had a cold sore in my life! Apparently, again, it's an early sign of hormone changes. The cold sores are what made me decide to test early.
Food Cravings: None yet. Still eating mostly paleo
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope
Sleep: Sleep is okay. Last night I was too anxious about taking more tests tho and literally got maybe 4 hours of sleep. Bedtime tonight cannot come soon enough.
Best moment this week: Obviously, finding out I'm pregnant! Also sharing the big news with my wonderful husband <3
Miss anything? Really not doing anything differently. I will miss tuna tho. One thing I will NOT miss is cleaning the kitty litter! :P
Movement: We have QUITE some time before that comes around
Wedding Rings on or off? On. Actually, I can fit it on all my fingers...including my thumb :P
Mood: I'm on cloud 9. I don't think I could be moody even if I wanted to
Looking forward to most: Telling our parents in a little over 2 weeks.
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